Vulva Puppet

VULVAWe are so thrilled to offer this anatomically correct handmade puppets by Dorrie Lane that embrace the beauty, power and laughter of the vulva. A gorgeous celebration of feminine essence, each puppet … has been created from lush velvets and silky satins to create each soft, receptive and visually delightful tool. Used all over the world by educators, lovers, artists and healers to support gentle, non-threatening and humorous education of all aspects of feminine sexuality, they invite the conversation of sex, empowering women of all ages to embrace their special, inner beauty, resulting in a better understanding of their vulvas and themselves. Slip your hand inside the back of the puppet to move the inner and outer labia. Reach inside the front of the vulva, curve your fingers up to feel her textured g-spot! There is a clitoris and clitoral hood, and a urethra.  Use the puppet to help explain to customers where to apply stimulation balms and what area of the vulva is sensitive to vibration.  Use them in workshops on the g-spot, oral sex, menopause other wonderful vulva subjects!  People use them to celebrate rites of passage, menstruation, birth, love, sex, menopause, etc. They appeal to any woman embracing her own sexuality. They are fun to use in displays. Adorable as boudoir decor!  Eve Ensler’s award winning play, “The Vagina Monologues”, was inspired by the Wondrous Vulva Puppet. Materials: Bast is Deep Brown Velvet with Bronze and Coral Satin  Price: $40.00

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